Our Wedding - The Wedding Deck on top of Aspen Mountain
7th May
written by bob

Ok…so I have been slacking the past few days. Well, to be more precise I have been slacking in my blogging. My exercising routine is right on track!

I know in the recent past I said that running is the sure way to drop unwanted weight and I still stand by that statement – 100%. HOWEVER, I have also decided to try to up my game a bit by doing the P90X program. I have to admit I am a bit skeptical of the program BUT I have searched the Net for other people that have used the program to read about what they did and thought. The one thing I wasn’t looking for was the typical ‘model’ person that has all good things to say and nothing bad. I was sure I could find normal, everyday people just like me and read their stories, blogs, successes, pitfalls, etc.

If you would like to checkout this program some more here are a couple of links:


So…for the record…my fiancee, Katherine (Kat for short), and I are following the P90X Lean program. Neither one of us wants to put on more muscle at the moment and would rather lean out first and then worry about building muscle. Honestly, I think we will build a bit of muscle in this routine but not as much as the P90X Classic program. Ok…so here is my catchup for the days I have missed blogging.

Alright…so one of the first things we had to do was take some pictures of our “before” look. Sure…no one wants to do this BUT it is a good reference point as to where one “came from”. Hopefully that will be the case for us! Up next is our Fit Test.

Fit Test
Kat and I did our fit test. Can’t say I passed with flying colors BUT I did complete it and we both met the minimum requirements. The chin-ups were TOUGH! I only managed 3…sad, I know. But you know what? In 90 days, I will bet I’ll be able to do at least 10! The other challenge we faced was the In & Outs. Kat rang out 34 reps while I did 41. The part that was tough was holding your legs up off the floor for that during…and man, talk about feeling it in the hip flexors when done! Oh yeah…and Kat KICKED my butt on the wall squat! My performance was sad.

Phase I – Week 1
Day 1 – Core Synergistics
Nothing like jumping feet first into ice cold water, right? Wow, this is no simple routine. This is a workout definitely to the “CORE”. We got about 2-3 exercises into this routine and ours hearts were pumping. There was a lot of push-ups in this routine and I didn’t have a problem with that. It’s really more of the core exercises that was getting me. Kat definitely has a leg up on me in this department. You see…when she gets up in the morning, she doesn’t go straight to the shower (like I do); she gets on the utility ball in our bedroom and does her core crunches. I think I need to start that habit too!

Most of my problem is the ‘extra’ weight I’m carrying on my front-side. In recent years, my tummy has begun to look more like a washtub than a washboard! A few of the hardest moves were the Banana Roll, Bow to Boat, and the Superman Banana. WOW…those killed my core. Meanwhile, Kat was kicking my butt with these!! Remember…she does her core crunches in the mornings…and it showed! All-in-all…this routine will keep moving and not let your core rest until its over. We have to admit, its a GREAT workout…and until next time Mr. Core Synergistics, I will be waiting for you (even though I still have not started my morning crunches)! We both brought it today but I think Kat brought more than I!

Day 2 – Cardio X
Well, Kat and I both survived day 1 albeit my core is a bit sore BUT if it wasn’t, I would be worried! Kat felt good for the most part but was a bit achy in the back. Must have been the push-ups. Cardio X take has its own exercises but also takes some from Kenpo, Core Synergistics, and Plyometrics. I think my most uncoordinated move here was the Dreya Roll. Every time we did it, I had to push my fat-ass up with my hands. I’m thinking…my washtub was in the way which prevented me from rolling back up to my feet unassisted! Ummm…yep, that’s it…the washtub.

This workout was a butt kicker but I didn’t feel as drained as I did yesterday for “Core”. We have also been wearing our heart-rate monitors and keeping track of calories burned, heart. I have been burning more that 1000 calories in all of the high-intensity workouts. Since we worked out late Friday (about 8pm) we decided to reward ourselves with a healthy dinner and a couple margaritas! Ummmm…tasty!

Day 3 – Shoulders, Arms, & Ab Ripper X
We were bad today. It wasn’t on purpose but it’s just the way things panned out. We had a late afternoon BBQ that with some friends that we hadn’t seen in quite a while. Our BBQ and visiting last A LOT longer than we thought. We definitely had plans to workout but by the time we arrived back home it was 11pm or later! Bad Bob & Kat! This will not be a habit. We promise.


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