Our Wedding - The Wedding Deck on top of Aspen Mountain
11th November
written by katherine

So…I’ve been feeling really pretty great. I honestly don’t think that I could have asked for anything better from pregnancy. The belly is starting to present itself a bit more…probably still not really noticeable to most people probably.

Over the last week I have felt significantly less tired, which is nice. It helps to be able to stay up a little later and not be completely wiped out!

I’m enjoying the prenatal massages I’ve been getting. I had no idea how much my lower back was hurting until I started getting them. It helps a ton to relax those muscles and avoid the pain.

I am now nearly 19 weeks and although I haven’t felt the baby FOR SURE…I think some of the movement I have felt may be baby movements.

I think that we have picked out the crib…but Bob wants to wait to order it in case there is some sort of Christmas sale. I’m ok with it…but I’m not going to wait too long! We bought a baby dresser/change table and a baby armoire this past weekend off of Craigslist. The dresser is fine, but I want to change out the handles. The armoire was clearly played on and in and is really rickety. Bob is planning on shoring it up and making it more sturdy before we put it upstairs. The garage is getting really crowded!

Two weeks ago I noticed that I had cankles when I was sitting in bed talking to Bob. I looked down and noticed that I couldn’t see my ankle bones any more…AHHH!!! When I drove home that Friday afternoon I noticed when I took off my sandals that there were distinct lines across the top of my feet from where they had swollen. Ugh…oh well, need to pay attention to the sodium intake and keep them tootsies elevated!

I’m worried about names. I really want to have at least a couple of boy names that we both like, but so far nothing is really jumping out at us. We have a girl name, Isabella, that we REALLY like, so that makes me happy :)

Bob has started running again with the intent to run the Rock & Roll ½ marathon in January. This is great news for me because I was really worried about him gaining a ton of sympathy weight with me!

I’ve started interviewing for positions in Phoenix. I’m sort of torn between my instinctual desire to be completely honest and the knowledge that it would not benefit me to do so unless I get an offer. I had a first interview with a company that was ridiculously secretive through General Employment…I didn’t even find out who the company was or what they did until 30 minutes prior to the in person interview! Now I am feeling pressure from the stupid recruiter chick to not go to the interview I have with SCF Arizona on Friday. I really hate dealing with almost all staffing agencies, they are so slimy and just in it for themselves. Necessary evil unfortunately…

We are going in for our mid-pregnancy ultrasound on the 25ht, I’m excited and scared at the same time. I do want to see what sex the baby is…but it’s kind of scary to know that I’m halfway there!

I really think that I’m going to really try to write a little nearly every day and eventually put it in the wordpress blog. I certainly have a lot to say, it’s just a matter of putting it down on “paper”.

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